Military training prepares individuals to perfectly fit into any other career that they decide to finally switch into. To be a good accountant, I have come to discover that one must be in possession of those quality that military men posses. Those qualities of the military that every accountants need is the subject matter of this article.
The dictionary meaning of discipline is “to instruct or educate, to inform the mind, to prepare by instructing in correct principles and habits; to advance and prepare by instruction”. A critical look at this definition reveals that the training one gets before he/she become an accountant are all targeted towards instructing the person by way of education to have an informed mind that will help him or her prepare financial statements and other forms of financial and non-financial information according to laid down principles.
Discipline act as the furnace that refines talents to become ability. Any military personnel (Army, Navy, and Force) easily adopt in business world which accounting happens to be the language that is readily spoken there.
Commitment is a firm resolution taken by an individual. Objectives are achieved as a result of the bye-product of the coming together of discipline and commitment. When a military person says he or she will do a thing and circumstances changes, the combined forces of discipline and commitment keeps him or her going till that mission is accomplished. For you to be a good and highly sought after accountant, you must be committed to whatever it is that you set out to achieve.
I combined these two qualities because I have come to realize that they are like seamen twins that are difficult to be separated. An accountant who report to work at exactly 08:00am and produces the managerial accounting report needed for the managerial decision making in the right time and format would be proud of himself. In fact, the hunger to feel proud of his job will ignite other qualities that I have earlier mentioned and this will in turn translate into becoming an overall efficient and effective accountant.
President Carter said he quickly learned in the Navy that when they said 08:00, they did not mean 08:01. Same goes in business world – more especially now that the supply of information at the right time and in the right proportion has become the backbone of every successful business and forward thinking business empire.
I wrote this article after closely observing some military personnel that I had had dealings with. I quickly came to realize that the qualities they acquired in the course of being trained as officers could be positively utilized in every facet of life and make outstanding success.
This then made me adopt the four qualities I have just shared with you in this article in my professional life as an accountant and noticed tremendous positive changes. I therefore encourage you that is reading thing article today to start acquiring these qualities of the military that worked for me in my accounting practice for your benefits irrespective of the field you find yourself into or that you are already into.
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